Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Journal Project Summary

Hello Everyone! It's Alyssa Fowler

Today, I would like to tell about what I learned from my Media Usage Journal project.

For this assignment, I had to write down what forms of media I used throughout a whole week. This took place between Monday, August 29th and Sunday, September, 4th. The devices that I used during the week included my iPad, my living room television, Google Chromecast, my cellphone, and a desktop computer. They were used to connect with people I worked with, to look at work by artists who I see as inspirations for my own art style, and to listen to music and funny videos while I did chores or took notes for class.

When the week was over, I used Microsoft Excel to convert the notes into tables and bar graphs. This allowed me to see exactly how many hours a day I used each media device. According the results, I had 57.3 hours of media usage in a single week. My iPad had the highest amount, which was 33.9 hours, while my cellphone had the lowest amount, which was 3 hours.

In conclusion, the results from this project made me realize that I use digital media more than mainstream media. The main reason is because I am able to look at and listen to things that are based on my own interests. This included using websites like Youtube, Deviantart, and Tumblr. Another reason that I use digital media more than mainstream media because, in my personal opinion, there really isn't a lot of good shows on television...

That's all I have to talk about. I'll chat with you guys later!

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